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Age: almost 14
Height: 5'7"
Fave color: pink and yellow
Fave bands: creed, linkin park, shedaisy
Fave animal: ew I don't like animals
Friends: Jessica, Katie, Alicia, Lisa, Diana, Kelly H, Kim, Emily, Ellyn, Mindy,Amy,Charis, Kari, Lauren, Marissa, Sara, Matt S, Eric, Chris, um um um..
Boyfriend: ha! soon to be "a" haha
sibs: Greg my wierdo brother
Fave food: cheeesecake mmmmm

*My Favorite Songs*
-Mendocino County Line-Willie Nelson and LeeAnn Womack
-I Tried So Hard-Linkin Park
-With Arms Wide Open-Creed
-My Sacrifice-Creed
-I don't have to be me til Monday-Steve Azar

*My Favorite Movies*
-The Mummy
-The Mummy Returns
-Miss Congeniality